In early 2020, we released a “Five Tutorial Package”. Due to an increase in demand for tests, we had to cancel this package while we underwent a recruitment process. We are now pleased to announce the return of our Five Tutorial Package. What is it? When you buy 5 tutorials in one transaction, we will…
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Lately, we have received a lot of inquiries asking how to book a test in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide. Please view the video below to learn how to book a test through our website. Step 1: Read the Terms & Conditions. Step 2: Schedule your test and make payment. Step 3: Complete the application form.…
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In an ISLPR® test, we assess your overall proficiency in each macroskill of speaking, listening, reading and writing separately. Proficiency is a highly complex concept. There are many features that contribute to what we call language.
The language you know and use depends on your language experience and needs. Therefore, at ISLPR Language Services (ILS) we believe in adaptive testing. A language test that is personalised for each candidate. – Dr David E. Ingram (Director and co-creator of the ISLPR test) The ISLPR test is a personalised and individual English test…
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Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Personalised testing, Teacher registration, University students
The Reading Test: Strategies for ISLPR Test Candidates: The Reading Test (Part 1) Strategies for ISLPR Test Candidates: The Reading Test (Part 2) The Listening Test: Strategies for ISLPR Test Candidates: The Listening Test (Part 1) Strategies for ISLPR Test Candidates: The Listening Test (Part 2) The Speaking Test Strategies for ISLPR Test Candidates: The…
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Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Listening Test, Macro skills, Personalised testing, preparation, Reading skills, Reading test, Speaking Skills, Speaking Test, Speaking Tuesday, Teacher registration, Teachers, tips, tools, University students, Writing Test
Academic Test: Speaking Skills are examined throughout the interview. The first part of the interview (about 15 minutes) is a conversation. The tester will introduce topics about everyday life and your particular needs and interests. Professional Registration: Speaking skills are judged throughout the interview. The first part of the interview (about 15 minutes) is a…
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Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Macro skills, Personalised testing, preparation, Speaking Test, Teacher registration, Teachers, tips, tools, University students
Academic Test: In the Writing test you will be asked to write about 400 words in total. You will be given 60 minutes to complete the test. There are usually two tasks; occasionally three tasks are given but the total number of words expected will remain the same. The topic, the type of text, the…
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Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Macro skills, Personalised testing, preparation, Teacher registration, Teachers, tips, tools, University students, Writing Test
Speaking, Listening and Reading skills are tested in a one-to-one interview that takes about 60 minutes. The interview is audio-recorded. Three things determined the content of the test: everyday life in Australia, everyday. Academic Test: Listening skills are judged throughout the interview. In one part of the interview, however, recordings will also be used. The…
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Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Listening Test, Macro skills, Personalised testing, preparation, Teacher registration, Teachers, tips, tools, University students
Speaking, Listening, and Reading skills are tested in a one-to-one interview that takes about 60 minutes. The interview is audio-recorded. Three things determined the content of the test: everyday life in Australia, everyday
Topics: Australia, customised testing, English as a second language, English test, individual tests, ISLPR, Language test, Learn english, Macro skills, Personalised testing, preparation, Reading skills, Reading test, Teacher registration, Teachers, tips, tools, University students
NB. Any language task can usually be carried out in a variety of different ways. What matters is that its format or presentation is logical, appropriate, clear and readily understood by the reader. Nevertheless, there are often traditionally expected features of some types of writing. The tasks below are examples of tasks that might occur…
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