Book a Tutorial

ISLPR® tutorials are one-to-one classes between you and an accredited ISLPR® teacher. The aim of an ISLPR® tutorial is to identify any issues in your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and help you improve and develop your English skills.

ISLPR® tutorials do not teach tricks to pass the test. Remember, it is not helpful to try to prepare for an ISLPR® test the way that you might prepare for tests in some other testing systems.

  • For example, in the writing test, we do not recommend that you try to guess what your tasks will be and spend a lot of time practising these and only these.
  • We do not recommend that you practice complicated phrases that you hope you can use for any topic.

The benefits of an ISLPR® tutorial

Tutorials are beneficial as they will help you to identify any minor or major issues you have in your English skills. However, you MUST continue practising what you are taught in the tutorial. A tutorial will only be beneficial if you accept the advice provided by our qualified English tutors and continue to work on any issues you have in your own time. The number one rule when learning another language is to practise, practise and practise even more!

  • One hour – with a focus on one macro skill (i.e. speaking, listening, reading and writing) per hour
  • One-on-one tutorial with a highly qualified English teacher and accredited ISLPR® tutor.
  • Individual tutorials where your issues are addressed personally.
  • Tutorial Prices are published here.

What happens when I book an ISLPR® tutorial?

To book an ISLPR® tutorial follow these steps:

  1. Complete the online application form and ensure you select which macroskills you need help with. We recommend booking one tutorial for each macroskill you need help with so that we can spend the hour focusing on one skill.
  2. If you have elected to get help with your writing skills, your tutor will send you tasks to complete before your tutorial.
    • It is for this reason that you are not able to book last-minute appointments, all appointments have to be booked 7 days in advance.
  3. On the morning of your appointment, you will be sent a zoom link for your tutorial.
  4. Continue practising your skills after the tutorial! You must actively implement what you have been taught in your day-to-day life. Tutorials are only useful if you continue to do the work beyond the one-hour class.

5 Tutorials Package

The “5 Tutorials Package” gives candidates the opportunity to take part in a practise test of sorts. Please click here to learn about this promotion.

If you are in Australia on a student visa, please note that individual tutoring alone does not meet the requirements for student visas.

Written Tutorials

Some candidates find it difficult to arrange a suitable time for a traditional tutorial especially if they have work commitments.  A “Written Tutorial” allows both the tutors and the candidates to do the required work at whatever time is most convenient for them. In a Written Tutorial, the tutor will send a candidate some tasks to do, the candidate will write their responses to the tasks and send them to the tutor by a defined due date.  The tutor will go through them, make corrections, provide explanations, and return them to the candidate within one week (5 business days). This service will be available to book from 4 December 2023.

How to Book